Information regarding foot care issues

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A Guide To Podiatry

Find out more about the treatments offered by Podiatrists in this Guide to Podiatry. Also including information on When to see a Podiatrist, Why you may need to see a Podiatrist and How to choose a Podiatrist. Click on the guide below for more information.

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Benefits of Podiatry to Patient Care

Find out more about the treatments offered by Podiatrists in this Guide to Podiatry. Also including information on When to see a Podiatrist, Why you may need to see a Podiatrist and How to choose a Podiatrist. Click on the guide on the left for more information. 

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Ingrowing Toenail Information

For information on ingrowing toenails see the leaflet below. Ingrowing toe nails can become very serious if not treated, this leaflet provides information on who is at high risk, how to prevent ingrowing toe nails, what the treatment is and the causes of ingrowing toenails.

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